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    本次全英文系列研讨课由美国德州大学达拉斯分校荣誉学院(UTD Honors)院长Professor Edward John Harpham主持。选课网址:https://cs.b00k.pw选课时间:51800:0052123:59。  

研讨主题:Six Ideas Shaping Civilization in the 21st Century.

Prof. Harpham博览群书,对中国传统哲学及文化有一定兴趣,作为个人爱好了解过孔子及儒家哲学。在他的推动下吴健雄学院院与UTD Honors建立了暑期交换夏令营项目,同时Prof. Harpham春季学期在UTD Honors开设阅读研讨课,为即将参加暑期项目的UTD 荣誉学生提供准备。本次研讨班Prof. Harpham将尝试以苏格拉底问答方式与同学们探讨相关论题。


Session 1The Idea of the University and The Idea of Honors Education

lThe idea of the university in 21st century America, the roles played by undergraduate education, graduation education, and professional training in medicine, law and business

lRole of research and student life in the modern university experience. 

lRole played by honors programs and honors colleges in American colleges and universities.

Session 2: The Idea of Globalization in Texas and the United States

lAn overview of the role played by Texas in the history of the United States, the economic and sociological integrating Texas and the United States into a larger world economy.

lTransition of Texas from an insulated rural economy to high tech economy integrated into the global market.

Session 3: The Idea of Justice and Equality

lDifferent notions of justice and equality in western thought, comparisons between modern economic ideas of justice and equality and classical and medieval ideas.

lSimilarities and differences between eastern and western approaches to the problem.

Session 4: the Idea of Gratitude and The Idea of Hope

lMeaning of the ideas of gratitude and hope,  and their role in the modern social world.

lSignificance of the positive emotions in society today.

Session 5: Student Presentation









  Introduction of Professor Edward John Harpham

Dr. Prof. Harpham is the Dean of the Hobson Wildenthal Honors College and Associate Provost at The University of Texas at Dallas. As a Professor of Political Science, Dr. Harpham teaches courses in political theory, American government, Texas politics, and public policy. With Wendy Harpham M.D., he has developed a sequence of honors readings tutorials that explore the history, philosophy, and practice of medicine. Dr. Harpham is a previous winner of the Chancellor Council's Outstanding Teaching Award. He sits on the Board of the Archer Center in Washington D.C. and serves as the faculty advisor for the Archer Internship Program. He has published extensively on the role that economic ideas play in modern political thought and their impact upon public policy. His more recent work focuses on the role that emotions and passions play in modern political thought. He is the co-author with Anthony Champagne of the bestselling textbook Governing Texas. Visit Dr. Harpham's homepage to learn more about his research and courses.


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