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Seminar1: Experimental Design

由法国雷恩一大Prof.Anne Marie Morin主持。一个实验或过程往往涉及诸多变量,实验设计(DOE)可用于了解系统特性,如有意识改变某些输入变量以观测输出的特定响应,也可用于对输入按其重要程度进行排序,从而确定能够产生最佳输出(响应)的输入(因素),从这个角度,这也是一个系统优化问题。


  • 能够解释如何运用实验设计来改善产品设计或一个过程的性能;

  • 能够估计针对某个响应的主要因素以及各因素之间的相互影响;

  • 能够理解因子设计(factorial design)的概念;

  • 能够通过因子设计运用方差分析数据,并用残差检验模型有效性。


课程由4个讲座和1Students presentation组成,每周2次课,2周半完成。讲座内容涉及:

  • Short introduction to quality management and improvement; Overview of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control);

  • Philosophy of experimentation: Experimental design in DMAIC; Organizing the experiment. Examples of designs and Fractional factorials 2 levels;

  • Multilevel designs;

  • Three-level designs, Blocking, randomized block and Latin square;

  • ANOVA for factorial and fractional factorial designs;

  • Nested designs. ANOVA for blocked and nested designs;

  • ……







Introduction of Prof. Anne Marie Morin

  • Associate professor at the Computer Science department, University of Rennes, Oct.1986-Dec.2013;asan invited professor at the University of Montreal,Canada,1987-1988, and as a professor of applied statistics at ENSAE (EcoleNationale de la Statistique et del’Administration Economique, National School of Statistics in Paris), Sept. 1991-Aug.1993;

  • Ever teaching statistics, data mining, data analysis, statistical process control, reliability and experimental designs to engineers in Computer Science, Electronics and Statistics at the Graduate and Undergraduate levels. She has developed tools for distance learning in different fields of statistics and has been in charge of the statisticaleducation group in the French statistical society for many years;

  • Main research field is statistics and data mining, with focus on data analysis, clusteringand classification, on applications in text mining, log-linear models and planning ofexperiments and statistical quality control;

  • Statistician Expert at the European Commission January-September 2014;

  • Winner of the price of the young French statistician in 1991, which is given each year bythe present and past presidents of the ”Soci´et´e de Statistique de Paris” in return for servicesin statistical education and research in statistics;

  • Member of the International Statistical Institute since 1992, member of ASA(the American Statistical Society), and vice-president of the national board of the universities in the section ”computersciences” Oct.2006 - Oct.2012;

  • Coorganization of a workshop on intelligent data analysis and data mining, application inmedicine in 2005 in Zagreb, Croatia. Link: http://lis.irb.hr/IDADM/;

  • Also consultant and has some contracts in applied statistics with different clients on different subjects: quality control in industry, data analysis for medical doctors and computer science companies, etc.


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