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Campaign for Most Influential 2013 Graduates of Our School Successfully Held
作者:     点击数: 1180     更新时间: 2014-03-05

        On the evening of May 22nd, the on-the-spot campaign for Most Influential 2013 Graduates of Our School was successfully held at Jiulonghu campus. Through school-wide auditions which set no specific selection criteria but focused only on impact, 77 graduates gained access to the Internet voting after others’ recommendation and self-recommendation, among whom 18 candidates won their tickets into the final site selection after 9 days of the Internet voting.
       The campaign site brimmed with passion and vigor of the youth. 18 candidates took turns to show themselves, each of them giving full play to his or her young and elegant demeanor in just 4 minutes. After the on-the-spot voting, 10 candidates were finally elected as “Ten Most Influential 2013 Graduates of Southeast University”.

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